Doug Allan- "It's a Wrap" NovemberNov 12 2022 19:30 - 21:30 UTCCarlow, Ireland

“It’s a Wrap”
After a sell
out Scottish run in Autumn 2021, Doug Allan brings his critically acclaimed brand
new tour to Ireland. Doug looks back over his successes and setbacks during 35 years of
natural history
. Part retrospective, the show is also Doug’s perspective on
climate change and its
impacts on the world’s wild places. What change of emphasis and
direction should we now be incorporating in wildlife films?
“There are big days when animals behave spectac
ularly right in front of your lens. And other
quieter times when a deeper understanding reveals itself, a new insight into the
environment and what’s alive there. I’ll be talking about these moments of truth and how
they’re the biggest privilege of a wildl
ife cameraperson.”
Doug Allan
“I’ve always balanced optimism with reality but the latest world climate report lays bare the
need for radical, urgent action. There are solutions, and I want to talk about them. They’re
all challenging, some are scary and de
pend on us making deep changes to how we live. The
planet’s at a crossroads and we’re at the wheel. The next few years are going to be
exciting.” Doug Allan
“Wildlife cameramen don’t come much more special than Doug”

Sir David Attenborough

  • Visual Centre for contemporary Art & George Bernard Shaw Theatre
    Organizer of Doug Allan- "It's a Wrap"
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Carlow, Carlow, Ireland


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