What to learn more about how the plants can help you??? 

Come join me in Person in Carlow at An Gairdin Beo community gardens on July 23rd & 24th
10AM TO 4PM Each day
Total investment €150.00
You will learn how to identify the plants and harvest them ethically and sustainably & turn them into natural teas, decoctions, tinctures, and salves, oils, vinegars.
The weekend will be packed with plant knowledge for common ailments and how to create beautiful healing remedies in the kitchen for you and your family.
You will go home with the confidence & knowledge to stock your home apothecary.
A herbal Balm & Handouts.
This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen your appreciation of medicinal plants and the power they have to heal and support us.
Carlow, Carlow, IrelandDirections
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