Cycle Against Suicide is a national charity (CHY – 20867) deeply invested in mental health awareness and suicide prevention. Through our programmes in workplaces, communities and schools we weave prevention into the very fabric of society.
Our Mental Health Peer-Support training programme is designed to promote and sustain a culture of wellbeing within our workplaces and communities through peer-support. Through active listening and structured conversation techniques, this programme trains ‘peer-supporters’ to be available for individuals who may be experiencing stressful or tough circumstances in any aspect of their lives at a particular time that could be impacting on their overall wellbeing, and, where possible, assist them in navigating through these challenges.
While providing some guidance in the steps for suicide prevention, the ultimate goal of this programme is to weave Mental Health Peer-Support deep into the fabric of companies.
Through our training, companies can have managers across all departments available to provide comprehensive peer-support to their peers at a particular time of their life, and if necessary, validate and assist this person in asking for professional support.
The training consists of small groups of like-minded people joining our trainer live online over 4 evenings or 2 full-days for informative lessons with detailed instructions and guidance, Q&A time, and hands-on practice through role-play.
*Our community programme is free of charge to anyone who is currently volunteering in a club or association. Our Workplace programme, usually €400pp which goes towards the costs of our community volunteer training programme, is free of charge for Sept, Oct & Nov 2024.
Cycle Against Suicide invites you to join our training in Mental Health Peer Support (Buddy) at the Workplace *free of charge this Autumn.
We are holding both day time and evening groups now in September, October and November. And, in a drive to communicate the vital role of Mental Health Peer-Support in the wellbeing of our workforce, Cycle Against Suicide is offering this training free of charge to all managers and/or workplace wellbeing coordinators during this September, October or November.
Evenings: from 7-10pm on 4 evenings over 2 weeks
September: Mon 23rd, Wed 25th & Mon 30th, Wed 2nd October – limited places left
October: Mon 14th, Wed 16th & Mon 21st, Wed 23rd
November: Mon 4th, Wed 6th & Mon 11th, Wed 13th
Daytime: from 9.30am-5pm over 2 full days
September: Thurs 12th & Fri 13th
October: Wed 9th & Thurs 10th – limited places left
November: Tues 12th & Wed 13th – limited places left
Training is delivered LIVE online via Zoom
For more information, please visit us at or contact me on 087 6471537.