Female Athlete Research Study

A South East Technological University (SETU) PhD student is inviting all female athletes to participate in a research study.

The study will investigate the effect of daily activities (normal food and fluid intake and physical activity) on body composition assessment in female athletes. The body composition assessment will be done via skinfolds.

You are invited to take part if you are:

·       Female participating in any sport

·       Aged between 16-40yrs (parent/guardian consent required for minors)

·       Free from pregnancy

·       Available to commit to 2 testing sessions on the same day (morning and evening)

Participants will be required to attend 2 testing sessions, on the same day, to obtain body composition data (via skinfolds and circumferences). Testing will take place in a local area to you, in your sporting club (TBC) or on the SETU Carlow Campus. Sessions will take approximately 40 minutes each.

For the morning session, participants must attend testing in a fasted and rested state. Participants will then be required to attend the evening testing session approximately 7-9hrs after the morning session. For the period in between, participants will go about their day as normal but must track all food and fluid they ingest, and all physical activity done during the day. A recoding diary will be provided for this. The study will commence in the coming weeks.

For more information, please get in touch with Niamh Bradly by clicking here where a participant information sheet can be made available to you. Alternatively, you can also register your interest by clicking here.