Tullow, Leighlinbridge, Rathvilly and Bagenalstown communities have the opportunity to share in  €220,000 worth of financial support for the upgrade and enhancement of shopfronts and street facades with grants of up to €8,000 available per premises for quick win projects with the new Colour Carlow – Streetscape Enhancement Scheme being supported by central government under the Our Rural Future Strategy.

Cllr. Fintan Phelan , Cathaoirleach of Carlow County Council said “I welcome this project and the support from the Minister for the roll out of this essential support for the communities in Tullow, Leighlinbridge, Rathvilly and Bagenalstown”

Commenting on the scheme, the Cathaoirleach stated that “The aim of the project is to improve  the visual appearance of our urban streetscapes which increases pride and confidence in our hometowns and villages, making them more attractive places to live, work and do business. We in Carlow County Council look forward to working with communities, and owners of business and residential premises in these locations”

Speaking about the scheme, Chief Executive of Carlow County Council , Kathleen Holohan said “Carlow County Council is delighted roll out this scheme and work in partnership with the Department to support regeneration in rural locations of County Carlow.  The Chief Executive commented that “the success of the scheme will be down to the partnership approach and our hope is that local businesses, residents and communities will come together to rejuvenate their town by adding a splash of colour over the coming months”.

Explaining the application process, Kieran Comerford , Head of Economic Development & Enterprise said, “grants of up to 100% or €8,000 per premises can be provided under this scheme and now is the time to avail of this opportunity and we will support communities in whatever way we can to ensure that each town gets a good level of projects supported under the scheme”. Comerford concluded by saying , over the coming month we will host clinics and briefings for applications which can be submitted online on https://leocarlow.submit.com/show/135 up to 2pm on 10th September 2021.

For further information log onto www.localenterprise.ie/carlow or call Linda on 059/9129783 or e-mail enterprise@carlowcoco.ie



For further information contact Kieran Comerford on 086/8252037 or e-mail kcomerford@carlowcoco.ie

Colour Carlow – Street Enhancement Scheme is a new scheme which provides up to €220,000 for the rural communities in Bagenalstown , Tullow , Rathvilly & Leighlinbridge. The aim of the project is to improve  the visual appearance of our urban streetscapes which increases pride and confidence in our hometowns and villages, making them more attractive places to live, work and do business. The project is funded under  Our Rural Future which is the Government’s five year strategy to revitalise rural Ireland and includes  a commitment to upgrade and enhance shopfronts and street facades in our rural towns and villages. This activity will be funded by the Department of Rural & Community Development (DRCD) through this 2021 Streetscape Enhancement Measure.

Eligible Premises

Commercial, residential or unoccupied buildings in town/village centre locations.


Eligible Towns & Villages

  • Tullow
  • Bagenalstown
  • Rathvilly
  • Leighlinbridge

 Grant Funding Levels:

Grant funding will be provided at the following rates:

  • 70% of eligible expenditure for Individual premises
  • 80% of eligible expenditure for Joint applications (groups of 3 or more adjacent premise)
  • 100% of eligible expenditure where painting is undertaken by direct labour by applicant

Key Dates

  • 11th August 2021 – Scheme Open for Applications
  • 10th September 2021 – Closing Date for Applications
  • 21st September 2021 – Submission of Budget & Applications to Department
  • 29th October 2021 – Works Completed & Drawdown Submitted to Carlow County Council

Application Clinics & Support

An Application Clinic will be held in each location as follows:

  • 23rd August 2021 – Application Clinic – Tullow – 2.00pm-3.30pm*
  • 23rd August 2021 – Application Clinic – Rathvilly – 4.00pm-5.30pm*
  • 24th August 2021 – Application Clinic – Leighlinbridge – 2.00pm-3.30pm*
  • 24th August 2021 – Application Clinic & Visit – Bagenalstown 4.00pm-5.30pm*


*Application clinics will be arranged with the key community contacts in the area if you wish to meet the project support team please e-mail enterprise@carlowcoco.ie for an appointment.

To compliment this an application briefing for community groups will be hosted as follows:

  • 24th August 2021 – Community Group Briefing – 7.00pm (Zoom)


Queries in respect of the scheme should be addressed to Linda Neville , Grants Administrator or Helen Ryan , Economic Development Officer on enterprise@carlowcoco.ie or by calling 059/9129783.


Application Process

Application can only be accepted via Submit.com and 1 application per premises is required.

Eligible Works

Description of Eligible Expenditure  

Grant Limit Per Premises

Green enhancement of entrances/ terraces with planting €500
Painting of building/shopfront in carefully selected colours which will complement the host building and streetscape. €1,500
Decluttering and repair of shopfronts. (Decluttering can include such works as removing unnecessary signs, flagpoles, wiring etc.) €2,000
Careful illumination and lighting of architectural features of buildings.  







Improvements to shopfront window displays and staging.
Replacement of signage with traditional wooden fascia with wooden/hand painted lettering OR contemporary design
Canopies/Awnings complementary to the materials of the shopfront and building (including street furniture).
Replacement of existing shopfront with traditional painted wooden shopfront OR contemporary design
Maximum per building €8,000