Carlow Credit Union are delighted to inform you we will be offering a new farm loan product under
the ‘Cultivate’ brand.
We offer an alternative source of finance for farmers. We feel our timing is right and presents an
exciting opportunity for Carlow Credit Union and especially for farmers in our common bond area.
We offer a personalised service, with decisions made here in Carlow Credit Union by our highly
qualified lending team, headed by Siobhán Gray, Credit Manager.
Engaging and listening to the views of all key stakeholders has been a key element in the success of
‘Cultivate’ in the many Credit Unions around the country already participating in this lending
product. Before we launch, we would greatly appreciate your views and input.
We invite you to join a virtual meeting of key stakeholders via Zoom. This will be held on
Wednesday 4th May at 11 am
Log in as follows:
Our Stakeholder group will be made up of key people from the following organisations: -
• Carlow IFA
• Local Councillors & representatives
• Leinster Livestock Marts
• Glanbia
• Teagasc
• TRS Farm Relief Services
• Agribusinesses in the area
• Agricultural Contractors
• Farm Accountancy Companies
• Local Enterprise Board
Your input and knowledge of all thing’s agriculture related would be most appreciated.