For many years, the GAA have continued to play a leading role in introducing young people across the Country to the skills and joy of our native game. Carlow Gaa, through its Coaching and Games programme, continues to develop positive relationships with all of the Primary Schools across the County through the development and delivery of a wide variety of initiatives. “ One of the programmes we offer to all primary schools throughout the County is a 6-week block coaching programme,” says Brendan Hayden, Carlow GAA Games Development Administrator. “In recent years however, a shortage of funding combined with increased Covid safety measures has impacted the programme and resulted in a decrease of the availability of hurls and helmets for use in schools. Schools in our County struggle to finance the cost of new equipment for their existing or potential players. The cost of a new hurl can vary from €35 to €50 with helmets costing up to €70 each. Both Schools and Carlow GAA endeavour to eliminate the financial burden on families, who may have several children wanting to try our native sport, by accessing grants and looking for other funding opportunities.”
With this in mind, Carlow GAA have partnered with Carlow County Council Environment Department and are now calling on all of you who live in, work in or study in Carlow to check your sheds, attics and storage spaces at home and root out these hurls & helmets that were once used and loved but have been put on the side-line or benched and donate them during the month of May.
“Many people in our community have a hoard of reusable hurls & helmets for all ages lurking in their homes or garden sheds.” Says Jannette O Brien, Climate Change Officer at Carlow County Council, “These hurls were once used by children or grandchildren and are often stored due to sentimental or “just in case” reasons. They are of good quality and in remarkably good condition, with some needing only minor repairs. In keeping with the reuse, repair and revive environmental ethos, we are asking that these hurls or helmets be donated at one of our designated drop off points throughout the County during the month of May. Funding has been secured through the Local Authority Prevention Network to have small repairs carried out and then to get these donations into the hands of our school children all over the County. She adds: The Ah Cáman project runs for the month of May and there are many ways you can offer support.”
You can organise a collection in your workplace or school or simply have a look at home and drop your once loved hurl or helmet to any of the following drop off points:
Carlow Central Library – Tullow Street, Carlow Town.
Bagenalstown Library.
Tullow Library.
Borris Library.
Powerstown Civic Amenity Site.
The Core Centre, Hacketstown.
Leighlinbridge Parish Centre.
For further information contact Jannette at 087-1192928 or email