Carlow News & Updates
Keep up to date with all the latest news from County Carlow. From Business updates and open Jobs, to Community updates from your local area.
Bagenalstown Property Owners opportunity to share €100,000 for Streetscape enhancements
The community of Bagenalstown has the opportunity to share in €100,000 worth of financial support for the upgrade and enhancement of shopfronts and street facades with grants of up to €8,000 available per premises for quick win projects with the new Colour Carlow –...
Good Luck to County Carlow Fire Service at the World Rescue Challenge.
Best of luck to our team of Firefighters who are in Luxembourg this week representing Carlow County Fire Service and Ireland in the World Rescue Challenge. The Carlow team is one of 72 teams from all around the world who will be competing in 5 separate challenges over...
Active Travel invites you to have your say…
Submissions/observations on the proposed Tullow Road Pedestrian & Cycle Scheme may be made from Monday 5th Sep to Wednesday 5th Oct online on Carlow County Council's Consultation Portal at
Climate Conversation – Have your Say.
You don’t need to be a climate expert for your opinion to be valued - we want to hear from as many people as possible. Join the Climate Conversation and HaveYourSay HAVE YOUR SAY SURVEY
Reduce your Use
Reduce Your Use SEAI have recently published a public information campaign called ‘Reduce Your Use’, which includes a booklet that provides practical measures homeowners can take to reduce their energy use, lower their electricity bills and to reduce their households...
Homeowners and landlords can now advertise directly to students in Waterford, Carlow and Wexford using SETU’s StudentPad
Are you living in Carlow, Waterford or Wexford with a spare room in your house? SETU students are looking to rent rooms, you can earn up to 14k tax free. Sign up today and find out more. More information with Student Pad here
New regulations regarding solid fuels
New regulations regarding solid fuels for domestic heating will come into effect on 31 Oct 2022. These will affect you whether you are a householder, a retailer, or involved in the solid fuel industry as a producer or importer. Info at
‘Setting Up and Running a Small Non-Profit Organisation‘
‘Setting Up and Running a Small Non-Profit Organisation‘ workshop will take place on 7th September at SevenOaks-HotelCarlow hosted by Carlow Public Participation Network - PPN . Details & Booking at
Carlow Fire crew gearing up for World Rescue Challenge
he countdown’s on for the Carlow Fire and Rescue team heading to the World Rescue Challenge. The competition takes place in Luxembourg from 7th to 11th of September. 288 participants in 72 teams face into five challenges across the four days. Our local crew is among...
New Bike for Christmas?
Donate your old bike for a good cause!