Carlow groups working with and supporting older people are being invited to apply for support to advance their Active Citizenship and Advocacy work.
The Community Foundation for Ireland is offering support to initiatives which ‘give greater voice’.
Grants are being made available under the Older Persons Fund at the Foundation which over the past seven years has provided over €1.5 Million to groups and organisations.
Applications are now being sought for grants of up to €7,500 under two strands.
The first strand, Active Citizenship offers support to community based and national activities that promote older people as active citizens and build older people’s capacity and potential to take on roles in their community.
The second strand, Advocacy offers support to projects that empower older people to become advocates on issues that affect them. Applications can be to support advocacy by older persons’ for older persons, training to influence policy, developing community decision-making processes, building leadership or negotiation skills and other innovative projects.
Application details are on The closing date is on 5 August.