Culture Night 2021 Invites Us To Come Together Again

Friday 17th September 2021

Culture Night invites everyone, everywhere on one joyful night to discover and celebrate all that culture is today. With a rich and diverse programme of thousands of events that span layers of arts and culture from architecture to comedy, circus to dance, film to literature, museums to music, heritage to sport and science to fashion, to name but a few….Culture Night / Oíche Chultúir 2021 will take place on Friday, 17th September across the country.

Culture Night is brought to you by the Arts Council in partnership with Carlow County Council Arts Service and puts a spotlight on the quality and breadth of Ireland’s existing cultural offerings and venues.    Minister for Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media, Catherine Martin TD said “I would like to thank all of those arts and cultural organisations, institutions and individuals involved in Culture Night.  Every year this wonderful evening of festivities gets bigger and brighter and organisers have met the challenges posed by public health restrictions head on by developing an innovative and accessible programme.  It is a true celebration of culture in all its forms and I was delighted this year to provide some extra support so that there will be some later night events taking place around the country as part of the work of the Night-Time Economy Taskforce.  I welcome this inclusion and hope to see more of this in the future.”

“Carlow County Council lead and manage Culture Night Carlow and are fundamental to the success of it locally. This year Carlow’s FREE EVENTS programme has a layered mix of indoor and outdoor  in-person events as well as on-line activities with visitor safety paramount and ensuring adherence to government COVID-19 guidelines. Our programme in Carlow reflects inclusion through the celebration of creative communities, both new and established.  We look forward to welcoming all of you to Culture Night Carlow 2021!”, Cathaoirleach Carlow County Council, Cllr. Fintan Phelan.

Sinead Dowling Arts Officer, “ Following an Open call to artists and communities across County Carlow highlights this year include the phenomenal Tadgh who will perform as part of our late night event in the Link Gallery of VISUAL Carlow from 10.30pm – 11.30pm, this really is not to be missed.  The programme this year supports artists   Simone Webb – Felting Workshops, Ben Custerton – Creative Lettering Workshops, Joan Coen – Open Studio (who also will extend her cultural offering beyond Culture Night to include 2-6pm on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th with Léamh Filíochta/ Poetry Reading @ 4pm), John McKenna and Angela Keogh – Hedge School, Carlow Little Theatre and Carlow Storytellers, as well as Carlow Youth Theatre at Carlow Central Library Carlow Town.  Also get along to VISUAL Carlow who will be hosting workshops, live Afro-Eire Drumming (outside), tours and live performances (all details found on”

As we begin to come together again Culture Night runs alongside Carlow Live and Local Music Festival supported by Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media – Live Performance Scheme, managed by Carlow County Council Arts Service in partnership with VISUAL Carlow, where our Carlow musicians are being supported to perform live again. On Culture Night Jack L is performing supported by local band The Exiles’.  Booking through

For more details and booking information for Carlow events please check out the Culture Night Carlow 2021 Programme available to download on FaceBook ‘Carlow Arts Office’ or on under ‘All Publications’

For more information on Culture Night nationally check out or join the conversation on social media channels at Culture Night Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and TikTok.

Culture Night Programme – Click Here