It’s not easy to get by in this crazy old world, is it? But Fred and Alice have discovered that all you really need are 2 tennis rackets, disproportionate reactions to minor accidents, an immature coping strategy and each other.
Fred & Alice is a quirky love story about 2 amazing mischievous characters who meet in a home. It wasn’t really a home but Fred always called it a home because that was where he lived, and if you are not living at home then where are you? It was love at first sight for Alice. Fred didn’t talk to her again for years but then eventually Fred got used to her and it was love at first sight for him too.
From their days in care, to independent living, Fred and Alice negotiate the perils and pitfalls of life and love. Together they create a fantastical world which spills over into a madcap reality when they decide to move in together.
Come see this joyous celebration of individuality
Visual Centre for contemporary Art & George Bernard Shaw TheatreOrganizer of Fred & Alice
Carlow, Carlow, IrelandDirections
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