Dermot Whelan - Mind Full FebruaryFeb 25 2023 19:00 UTCCarlow, Ireland

Join Today FM star and comedian, Dermot Whelan, at the Visual Theatre in Carlow on Saturday 25thFebruary for a unique stress-busting show. A certified meditation teacher, Dermot will give you the tools you need to destress through meditation and find more happiness and fulfilment, all delivered in his much-loved comedic style.

Having trained in the U.S. with one of the world’s leading stress management experts, Dermot will debunk the many myths around meditation and mindfulness and show how all the science points towards a new and exciting way to approach life. It promises to be an informative evening with real life stories and practical tools to take away.

So, if you are looking to bring more joy and less stress to your life ,and have a laugh along the way, then this show is for you!

Age 14+

  • Visual Centre for contemporary Art & George Bernard Shaw Theatre
    Organizer of Dermot Whelan - Mind Full
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Carlow, Carlow, Ireland


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