13th &14th August 2022 Annual Club Show at St Patricks College, Carlow Town
Welcome to Carlow Vintage and Classic Motor Club. The club was formed in 2007 with only 40 people involved in it at the start which quickly grew after a few meetings and word spread about the club and out of nowhere people with their cars crawled out of the woodwork or metalwork would be the right term. There was always a lot of interest in Classic and Vintage cars in the Carlow area and the surrounding Counties. To date we have 170 members and still growing strong from Counties Carlow, Laois, Kilkenny, Wexford, Wicklow and Kildare.
We hold our meetings on the last Tuesday of every month at 8.30pm in the Lord Bagnel Hotel in Leighlinbridge.
New members are always welcome so come along.
So if you have a classic or vintage car, motor bike, tractor or if you just have an interest in the vintage scene, get in touch with us at our website;

Carlow Vintage & Classic Motor ClubOrganizer of Carlow Vintage & Classic Motor club - ~Annual Club show
Carlow, Carlow, IrelandDirections
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