Bagenalstown in Bloom (BIB) 2024 is being organised by the Bagenalstown Area Community Development Group (BACDG) and other organisations in the county. As part of BIB, Kilkenny Carlow ETB Training Services will run a range of community educational workshops, from yoga, stained glass making and dry needle felting, to cut flower gardening and summer cooking. Everything from street signs to benches will have an explosion of yarn bombing, thanks to the wonderful work of local yarn bombers, the 'Barrow Knitters’.
Cruinniú na nÓg coincides with the festival and there will be lots for children to enjoy, including plenty of games and activities, thanks to County Carlow Sports Partnership. They are organising a 5km run to get the BIB festival off to an energetic start.
Carlow regional Youth Services will hold a number of workshops for young people in Gleann na Bearú community building.
The Bagenalstown Community Garden (BCG) will also be a hive of activity with fantastic music, thanks to the talents of local artists, supported by Bagenalstown Creative Places and Music Generation Carlow. Workshops in the community garden will capture the imagination of the public and delicious refreshments will be available too.
Tours of the inspirational and beautiful Barrow Experience Garden situated at BEAM Services - not to be missed! The experience is a unique series of ten interconnecting gardens which bring to life the history, folklore and heritage of the beautiful Barrow Valley.
And if your feet need a rest, why not board An Bád Keppel, the Barrow River boat experience enjoy the fantastic scenery and the beauty of the wildlife along the River Barrow surrounded by the history that makes Bagenalstown so beautiful. It is a journey you don’t want to miss and will not forget!
Bagenalstown in Bloom 2024 will continue to be a festival to
explore, learn, play, laugh and grow in the heart of Carlow!
Bagenalstown Area Community Development GroupOrganizer of Bagenalstown in Bloom 2024The Bagenalstown Area Steering Group (BASG) was formed in 2019, now named The Bagenalstown Area Community Development Group (BACDG). BACDG collaborates & has some shared committee members with BIG, so both groups complement & resonate with each other. It is a community based, voluntary organisation which focuses on community development, sustainable impacts and providing inclusive social and cultural opportunities. We develop and promote community activities and improvements.
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