Pan Celtic International Festival 2023 will return to Carlow, Ireland from 11th – 16th of April 2023.
Pan Celtic is a celebration of the cultural links between Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Brittany, Cornwall and the Isle of Man. We look forward to welcoming musicians and choirs, singers and dancers, bands and storytellers from the participating Celtic nations who will come together to share their language and culture at this great family-friendly Easter event.
This evening, we will open this years festival with a special concert featuring a taste of celtic music, song and dance with performers from the six celtic nations on stage. This will be an evening of celebration and entertainment and a chance to meet people and make new friendships.
Visual Centre for contemporary Art & George Bernard Shaw TheatreOrganizer of 2023 Pan Celtic Official Launch & Opening Concert / Seoladh Oifigiúil
Carlow, Carlow, IrelandDirections
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