The Cáirdeas Centre is an adult service whose aim is to support adult presence, participation and contribution in and with the community. The centre provides day services to adults with intellectual disability and autistic spectrum disorders. The services are developed to meet the individual needs of the service user using a person centred approach. With the aim of total inclusion of the person in the community they provide service users with the opportunity to experience ordinary places, work experience, part time work and living independently in the community or to be supported to do so.
Cáirdeas strives for inclusion, eliminating barriers, fostering decision-making and supporting personal choices. Daily activities are tailored to meet the individual’s needs. The comprise Personal Programmes, Occupational Programmes Leisure Programmes and Education Programmes.
The services work closely with all the agencies in the community including: Carlow Adult Literacy, Library and the local gym to name but a few.
All applications are referred to the Manager of the Centre by the Health Service Executive. These referrals originate from families, Children Services, Special School, Public Health Nurse and General Practitioners.
There is a lead person within the agency regarding autism service provision.